Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Its Getting Cold!

With a little more than 4 weeks to go living and working in the Gulf Hagas location, I'm having conflicting emotions.

Its fun seeing and meeting bundled up hikers coming through, shrieking because of the numbing cold water crossing, asking about the weather, admitting their excitement to get it done.

Its getting cold in these here hills, by golly, yeah!
I summited Kahtadin on August 14 after a 5 mile successful thru hike. Bound and determined not to freeze to death, I ended up reaching the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail during a heat alert.

Imagine that! Yes, it gets hot in August, and we looked forward to the cool crisp days of autumn. Well, they have arrived.

Packs are heavier, food bags more substantial, but the miles will come.

By the time I meet northbounders, they are 4 days from their goal. I did meet one southbounder this week.
"Sorta late, isn't it?" I asked cheerfully.
"Just seeing how far I can get," he replied. Before what, I wanted to ask, but didn't

Some leave the trail with an excuse in mind. The knees hurt, the feet hurt, the family needs you.

But really, you don't need to make anything up. Its cold, wet and muddy out there. Just say you're sick of it. Most people don't know why you went at all.


  1. Was just thinking of you Lady. Good that you are alive.


    1. Thanks Sourdough, hope all is well up there in Alaska!
