Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Temporary Life

Here in Montana I'm living the life of a nomad, or as I call it, a transient. Either way, I'm at a private ranch which doesn't allow photos or details to be shared with the public. I understand and respect that. For me, its a temporary disadvantage as a writer. I go off location and scout around, weather and energy permitting.

Saw this posted on my Facebook page and thought it said it all. No matter how far I have to go in my journey as a writer, my passion makes it impossible to give up. Each step in the adventure is another step closer to realization. Keep going, that's all I can say. 

The views here in the big sky country are astounding. I never tire of the mountains, no matter the season. There are lots of deer and antelope. I don't count cattle. They're like locusts, but their black hides against the brilliant white snow is pretty.

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