Monday, September 23, 2013

Dusk Brings Porcupine Encounter in Alaska

A friend and I went hiking up behind the day lodge here at Alyeska. Because of work, we couldn't hit the trail until later in the evening. The weather was perfect, the skies blue, a rare thing. We  had to take advantage of it. 

The paths here are steep. Seems most are labeled for bikers. If you choose to hike one of these narrow, 25% grades, keep an ear out for a mountain bike roaring up behind you. Or, maybe silently racing downward at over 30 mph.
Hiking poles are sweet.

The intersection of several trails are marked here, on a very tall sign. Soon, snow will cover that base. Its already beginning to snow in the higher elevations. Cheers go up to the heavens! At least its not raining.

A last parting shot before heading down. As we turned a corner, a huge ball of beast came from the dewy brush. I stopped, held out my arm, waited until the porcupine eased up ahead. "A porcupine," I exclaimed. He had wondered why I had paused. He smiled. No one wants a face, or leg, full of quivers.
Quickly we descended the trail, thankful that we got to see some wild life. I forgot about my camera at that moment. It was fairly dark and probably wouldn't have done the creature justice.

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