Friday, August 23, 2013

No One Said It Was A Rainforest!

Four-fifteen a.m comes pretty early in the morning. Its only a five minute walk to work and its not even cold. But, for the last five days its been raining. All day, all night. Its ok. Well, I keep saying that, but this morning, it started to get to me.

I arrive with my pant legs wet, my socks wet, my mind asking, DOES the Sun Ever Shine in August?

Well, I finally asked Emmerson, one of the chefs, and he looked at me, asked, "Didn't anyone mention this is a rain forest?"

"What?" I asked, perplexed. I mean, we're nearly at the NORTH frickin' pole....

"This is a rain forest, the northernmost rain forest in the world."

I'm sure he's pulling my leg. Come on...but his face says he's serious as he quips, "You have to have the sun inside." And then he walks away to finish getting the kitchen in order for an onslaught of breakfast eating guests.

Its ok, I figure. At some point it has to get cold enough to snow and then we'll go skiing.

Leaving work just after 2 p.m I walked outside to a beautiful view. The sun was out, the clouds were puffy, the sky was blue. Marvelous. Thank you, trail gods! Ask and you shall receive.

I came across the actual blog for Alyeska Resort. This should be a fun site to read.

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