Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wild Hog Shot

I'm glad my partner took care of one ravaging wild hog. Local gardens and fields, orchards and landscape are endangered when wild hogs become too numerous.

This wild hog is just a youngster. She was shot with a .223 caliber Mini 14 rifle. Another hog, presumably the mother, escaped.

Wild hogs are destructive. Overnight they can root up an entire hill side, trail and campsite. Years ago, a man in these parts, let loose some domesticated pigs so they could run wild and he could hunt them. Hogs are known for their ability to eat anything. Acorns, seeds, forage and even Styrofoam plates used for target practice are among common foodstuffs.

This short video attempts to document the damage over a wide area done overnight.

It doesn't do it justice, but think of a rotter tiller buzzing over the entire valley.

Hogs are heavily muscled and good eating for the survivalist. Always process meat immediately and wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from bacteria or parasites. Raw or undercooked pork may contain serious health hazards, so research the proper way to handle butchering. It is beyond the scope of this blog to take on that project.


  1. Hogs are a problem in my mountains, as well. At one point, I put up a five strand electric fence running 2000 volts to try to keep them out of my corn. They just went right through it, in the morning the fence would be broken, the corn trampled or fouled, and there would be wiry hair caught in the insulators. They can be hunted, but only if you have a tag for a game animal, such as deer. I often hike through the woods and have to be very careful about not spooking a herd of them in the undergrowth. They can tear you up.

  2. Can't you hunt wild hogs on your own land when they are doing so much damage? I suppose laws are different in every state.
    That is quite amazing that they would go through the electric fence. Wow, guess I won't bother with the fence for my garden!
    Thanks for posting.
