Sunday, September 26, 2010

Found Cookware and Spicy Acorn Treat

This is my plastic "soup" or stew kettle after an overnight backpacking trip. Plastic is found in areas you least expect, along beaches, wilderness trails where hunters have been, and washed up on lake shores.

If a person needed to use a plastic jug as a cooking vessel, they could make one such as this by cutting the neck off, and then making two side holes for suspending the pot with cordage from an overhead branch above the cook fire. The cordage in the photo above was made with plastic as well: walmart grocery bags (see previous post ).
I made the holes in the pot pictured above by using a lit kitchen match. A flaming twig would also work.
Hold the flame near the place you want the hole. As the plastic begins to melt, gently push the match through the plastic. The melting plastic will seal around the hole and strengthen it so it won't crack when weight is placed in the vessel.

I used this pot for 16 hours and although it lost its original shape, it didn't leak. I was able to process my acorns and remove the tannin from them by repeatedly boiling water, draining it and then removing the shells.

Yesterday's post talks about it as well.
After we returned home, I sauteed the sliced acorn meat in a pan with canola oil, salt, pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder until crispy. These were used to garnish fresh garden salad. Wow. I was amazed how deliciously similar to almonds they tasted. We'll definitely do this again.

After supper, I sliced the remaining boiled acorn meat, added salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder and sugar and placed them on a sheet pan in the oven. Our oven has a pilot light, and the drying process will seal the spices onto the acorns.
This morning they tasted great, but need more time drying.

We don't use any sugar or honey at our house, so I used an artificial sugar. You could use brown sugar for additional flavor and calories.

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