Saturday, September 17, 2011

Time To Winterize the Bedroom

Its that time of year, and I love it. The fall colors really haven't arrived, but the morning chills have. It was 49 last night, and time to swap out the cotton sheets on the bed for fleece. I also switched out the summer comforter for the new quilt I made to match the new curtains. The quilt is wider than the summer comforter, hence no loosing my side of the blankey ( he claims I hog them ) during the middle of a winter's sleep.

All is well. Washing everything before packing away for the winter, the domestic chores are under control.

Muscadines are ripening. This morning I found several on my old road bed. I didn't know there was a vine nearby, probably the bears have scarfed them to keep me from discovering this good piece of news. A true southern delight, I hope to harvest some more.

Speaking of bears! While checking the draw of my wood stove, I was startled by a large black glossy coated bear running away from our home. He was on the path that connects the yard to the road. No damage to the garden.
I saw a deer munching away in the closet neighbors garden, 1/4 mile away, while walking past this morning.

The stove is great. I gained 18 degrees inside the studio in less than 2 hours, and using small branches. Its going to be easy keeping it toasty, just gotta remember no longer than 15 inches for the firewood.

Not much else happening. Saturday of tying up loose ends.

Hope you enjoy yours.


  1. My wife is a cover-hog too!

    I'm happier that the cooler temps have started to arrive as well. Makes life a lot easier.

    Good deal on the wood stove! Glad it's working out for you.

  2. Thanks, Matt, and I AM Not a cover Hog! LOL, well, maybe a litte.... we women get cold. I love to snuggle. Hard to do when its so crazy hot, these cool temps are wonderful.

  3. Could you come over and get my domestic chores under control? I haven't even gotten under the house to put the insulation that is falling down back up. Need to do that before that whole cold coming up out of the ground stuff starts.

  4. Yeah, this cold is coming finally. Hard to believe two weeks ago we were running the air, and now its fleece and wood stoves!

    I'd get under the house before a critter makes a winter nest, they do that in your neighborhood, don't they? Good luck!
