Monday, November 25, 2013

Howling Dog Saloon

Just remembered this short footage I took at the Howling Dog Saloon in Fairbanks Alaska. The place was very interesting. There were bras hung on a rafter. The owner told me I could have a free t-shirt if I wanted to add mine. I laughed and said, "Maybe if I have enough beers."

Some were in costume that night. It was a Saturday end of October, not quite Halloween. Paul, the Policeman sang first, then Burnt Orange warmed up, playing until 3 a.m.

We celebrated my new friend's birthday party. Thanks, Georganne, for letting me share your home and adventures for three days.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How To Ship a Car Home from Alaska

I drove my car through Canada, along the Alcan route mid September.
It was the best road trip I've ever taken. Fall colors, moderate temperatures, nearly rain free.
I recently received an awesome Job Offer from a private ranch in Montana. I couldn't pass
up the opportunity. Everything about it sounds wonderful. Plus I'll be a short day's drive from my family.
The road conditions have deteriorated. Snow packed, fewer gas stations open and fewer people on the road should a person need help.
after research and lots of misinformation, I finally learned how to do it.
The Geo is a light car. Not sure what other cars or trucks might cost. Mine would be around $1,000
if you go straight to the port on Whitney St.
The company specializes in auto transport via barge. It takes 10 days. If my car is on the boat Friday, I couldn't pick it up til December 2 in Tacoma Washington.
So, take your car and whatever you want shipped inside the car to 101 W. Whitney Rd.
Wrightway Auto Carriers is the company. 907-277-4549 is their number.
Schedule an appointment for an inspection before arriving. They'll charge you 65 bucks for every 100 pounds of gear you have in the car. The woman there was very professional in answering my questions. Over and over she told me December 2, between noon to 4, was the earliest
I could get my car.
I asked, how do you get from the Seattle Airport to Tacoma Port.
She smiled, handed me a sheet of paper with all the correct phone numbers for a shuttle -$25 bucks
or a cab around $60.
Shuttle Express 800-487-7433
Capital Aeroporter 800-962-3529
Bottom line I learned, this car will arrive safely for what it would cost me to drive it. I would have to buy chains, and extra gas can and hope for good weather. Death by freezing would be a real possibility.
Your car can only have a 1/4 tank of gas, no more. You must show registration or insurance card is as good. They do need cash or certified funds.
Do NOT use a broker or middle man to arrange your shipment. They tell you what you want to hear and don't do any work for you. Just go direct. o, they will inundate you with phone calls, charge about 200 bucks just for talking on the phone.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Housing Blues

It's reality check time once again. Here in Alaska the price of stuff goes up in the winter. Its ski season and housing comes at a premium. Even a one room with bath, heat and electric is $700 bucks. And furnished? Well, one ad posted here on the Girdwood Post Office Bulletin board said to get a bed off craigslist. That's a little risky I think. A friend told me he had to spend two days with a neighbor while his place was sprayed for bed bugs.
Both the post office and the Mercantile had bulletin boards where people try to sell gear, tires, look for their dogs, offer services and advise of town meetings.
If you want a job here, make sure you have a bed to sleep in. A new co worker admitted he was couch surfing cause he had no money and no housing.

This sunset photo was taken near town while crossing the bridge. It was nearly 4 p.m. Its cold and very beautiful.

Hours have been cut and we in company housing were notified of a 10% raise in rent.  These are important considerations when choosing a place to work. For me, right now, its all about the adventure. Tomorrow night is a full moon. Back Country Skiing will be awesome!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Girdwood Alaska Snow Season

At last we have some real snow. Not just a dusting, mind you, enough to actually back country ski.
Its wet and packable, too, snowman quality.

Creeks are still flowing. No animal prints noticed on my ski today, except dogs and boot prints. I figure we got about 10 inches in the last 24 hours.

Some blue skies, dark clouds and a thick coating over all helps the long nights not seem so daunting. I'm looking forward to a full moon on the 17th. Hope to do some night skiing then.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Who Buys a Snake Just to Eat Him?

There's a strange story coming out of Fairbanks and Denali right now as rangers search for the culprit who bought several animals from a pet store then took them out to Denali, made an illegal campfire and ate part of them.

Check it out at

But, here's my thought....why would you not eat all of it, or why wouldn't you just buy a couple burgers and fries. Don't even tell me a python would be cheaper, or the guinea pig and mouse, plus then he let the turtle live.

Do we have a random survivalist making pet eating youtube videos on the loose?

It will be interesting to see what happens. The pet store remembers some character, seemingly in a hurry.

Maybe its a Halloween prank? Maybe a satanic ritual.

time will tell!