Thursday, June 20, 2013

Making the Mountain Retreat Female Friendly

Living and working with Mountainman Mike this week has produced a lot of photo opts and lots of memories. There's lots to do and never a boring moment.

We're up at 9,500 feet. Snow and cold streams are very refreshing. With solar panels but no Internet, writing and reading are prime evening activities after a day of manual labor.

While building a raised bed for the garden, I glanced up and saw a bear rummaging through a collapsed tent. I shouted and began to chase him away, totally forgetting to take a photo until he was well on his way. Uncharacteristically, the cinnamon colored black bear would stop and watch me. He obviously is not scared of people.

This same bear has been noted around the neighborhood. As you can see, it is not a griz. There's no hump or pie shaped face. Nonetheless, black bears are dangerous and have been known to hurt and kill more people than griz.
Stay tuned for more footage taken this week.

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