
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hike to the Mine

This abandoned mine is visible for miles around. Of course, I had to go see it for myself. If you wish to see the film I made, please visit my youtube channel:

Upon bushwhacking past various motor homes and campsites, I found a jeep road and climbed through the dust and sand. The water bottles came in handy. Even though its November, its hot in them thar hills!

A close up shows plenty of graffiti on the various rusting installments. Once on the hill, you can see how close Quartzsite really is.

On a nearby hill was a flag waving. I climbed that hill as well and saw one could be at the Pilot Truck Stop within half an hour.

So far, no snakes. The town is getting busier by the day. Cops are quite visible. Last night, blue lights shown bright beneath a full moon. Caught somebody, doing something.

They tell me to keep everything locked and chained with serious heavy duty stuff. None of these whimpy locker padlocks. Especially, if you have a Honda Generator, by god. Reportedly, 30 were stolen by a bold pair of guys. The treasures weigh but 47 pounds. Even I could walk off with one of them.
And, they're like gold. Everyone wants one.

So, I'm told, if someone is selling one, and has no papers or owner's manuals, beware. It might just belong to my neighbor!

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